Would You Like An Advance Reader's Copy of My New Book?

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Advance Copy!

I'm launching a new book soon. Would you like an advance copy? I'm offering select subscribers of my newsletter the opportunity to download a pdf version now. If you enjoy it, please share a review via social media and tag me.

It's a short business parable that follows two friends, Max and Maddie, as they navigate their careers. Maddie thrives under the guidance of a supportive boss, while Max struggles to find fulfillment.

Download your free PDF review copy of "How to Stay When You Want to Quit" and discover the strategies and inspiration you need to overcome obstacles, stay motivated, and pursue your dreams.

Thanks for your ongoing support! Keep advancing confidently in the direction of your dreams and help others along the way.


Karl Bimshas

Leadership Advisor | Writer | Podcast Host

Karl Bimshas Consulting

+1 858 583 2602


Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting

Become a better leader without being a jerk with this Boston-bred, California-chilled Leadership Advisor, Writer, & Podcast Host

Read more from Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting
Lead with Heart

Hello Reader, Promote Ideas that Yield Benefits and Abundance Your ability to influence and persuade others to support your ideas and projects is important to your success as a leader. However, influence should be used positively and ethically to benefit everyone involved. Here are some actionable steps you can take to apply influence effectively: Build strong relationships: People are more likely to support and follow those they trust and respect. Take time to build strong relationships with...

Reflections on Leadership September 2024 Recap

Reflections on Leadership — August 2024 Recap Hi Reader, Here’s a recap of leadership articles, tips, and merch. Karl Bimshas Consulting shared in September. If you’re a frequent reader, please share your thoughts via the Content Satisfaction Survey. We’d love to know what you think so we can make the content we produce valuable to you. August Articles Align Your Skills and Purpose Essential Leadership Skills Detect | Address | Prevent: An Approach to Leadership Success The Cost of Control:...

Lead with Heart

Hello Reader, Engage Others in Common Goals and Visions As a leader, you cannot achieve everything alone. You must involve others in your endeavors to succeed and make a positive impact. Collaborating on mutual agendas and common visions can create a shared purpose and ownership that inspires your team. Here are some action steps you can take to involve and engage others in your leadership efforts: Define the vision: Before involving others in your vision, you must clearly define it. Take the...