Mid-Year Check-In: Let's Revisit Your Leadership Goals

Hi Reader,

We're halfway through 2024, and I wanted to touch base. How are your leadership and management initiatives progressing? Have you been able to grow and develop as planned?

Earlier this year, our extensive marketplace survey revealed that:

  • 42% felt there was room for improvement in their leadership culture.
  • The biggest challenges over the next 12-24 months were adapting to change and building and leading teams.
  • The greatest need for improvement was self-care & well-being: maintaining energy and focus to be efficient.
  • The main barrier to improvement was internal hesitation: fear of failure, lack of confidence, and self-doubt.
  • 35% reported sometimes feeling self-doubt in their leadership.

Leaders across various industries identified four critical leadership skills: communication, teamwork/collaboration, motivation/inspiration, and decision-making.

Do these findings resonate with your experience? What do you need to be successful?

If you’re facing any leadership or team challenges, Karl Bimshas Consulting is here to help. Our services include:

  • Personal Consulting & Leadership Coaching
  • 6-Month Optimize Your Leadership Program
  • Leadership Training for Ready-Now Candidates
  • Free Digital Downloads
  • Self-Paced Essential Leadership Skills Training
  • Team Facilitation
  • Workshops
  • And more

This year marks our 15th anniversary, and we have exciting updates:

  • 28+ Books
  • 380+ Podcast Episodes
  • Nearly 400 Leadership Articles
  • An Accidental Leader Workshop in September

As a thank you, I’m offering a complimentary leadership consultation. Let’s catch up and discuss how we can support your leadership goals.

Keep advancing in the direction of your dreams and help others along the way.

Best regards,


Karl Bimshas

Leadership Advisor | Writer | Podcast Host

Karl Bimshas Consulting

+1 858 583 2602


Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting

Become a better leader without being a jerk with this Boston-bred, California-chilled Leadership Advisor, Writer, & Podcast Host

Read more from Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting
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