Reflections on Leadership — May 2024 Recap

Reflections on Leadership — May 2024 Recap

Hi Reader,

Here’s a recap of leadership articles, tips, videos, and merch. Karl Bimshas Consulting shared in May. If you’re a frequent reader, please share your thoughts via the Content Satisfaction Survey. We’d love to know what you think so we can make the content we produce valuable to you.

May Articles

Always. But Sometimes, Never.

8 Actions to Improve Your Leadership (Pick 4)

The Leader's Firewall: A Framework to Shield Against Internal Disruption

Develop Your Leadership: Practical Strategies for Any Leader


Surrounded by Clues

Who Is Sponsoring Your Day?

Leading Change with Confidence

Dreams Deferred, Destinies Defined


Lead with Heart (Archive)

Popular Video

Tired of Repeating Yourself? Tired of Repeating Yourself?

If you’re a leader tired of people not listening, that’s on you - not them. Change how you communicate.


How to Stay When You Want to Quit; A business parable for busy professionals tired of whining

This is a story about two friends, Max and Maddie, who are pressing hard in their careers. Maddie is fortunate to work with a great boss who has mentored and challenged her to be her best. Max has had the opposite experience. He has been through a heavy rotation of managers, many of whom spoke a good game but never really showed up to play. The most noticeable difference between them is that Maddie, although not yet in her ideal job, loves the journey, while Max is miserable on his voyage.

Read on to learn how Maddie takes what she has learned and helps Max turn his attitude and life around.

You’ll pick up a few tips to bring positive action to people who are disillusioned in their current jobs, even if that person is you.

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Karl Bimshas Consulting is a premier leadership development and accountability firm that specializes in transforming professionals into confident and competent leaders without becoming jerks. We help individuals and organizations elevate performance and drive positive change.

Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting

Become a better leader without being a jerk with this Boston-bred, California-chilled Leadership Advisor, Writer, & Podcast Host

Read more from Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting
August 2024 Recap

Reflections on Leadership — August 2024 Recap Hi Reader, Here’s a recap of leadership articles, tips, and merch. Karl Bimshas Consulting shared in August. If you’re a frequent reader, please share your thoughts via the Content Satisfaction Survey. We’d love to know what you think so we can make the content we produce valuable to you. August Articles Master Your Minutes: Become the Leader of Your Time Harness the Power of Your Free Time to Maximize Your Potential Lead Your Time, Don’t Let It...

Lead with Heart

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Lead with Heart

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