
Karl Bimshas | Karl Bimshas Consulting

Become a better leader without being a jerk with this Boston-bred, California-chilled Leadership Advisor, Writer, & Podcast Host

How to Stay When You Want to Quit
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Enhance Your Leadership Skills with These Free Resources

Hi Reader, Finding little ways to manage better and lead well isn’t difficult. At Karl Bimshas Consulting, we offer a variety of tools to help you calibrate your leadership development. Visit our Resources page for over a dozen worksheets, assessments, and other tools. For those looking to delve deeper without investing in formal coaching, explore our Leadership Workbooks, Mini-Courses, Articles, and Podcasts. Are you feeling disillusioned, frustrated, or tempted to quit your job? My latest...

Hello Reader, Appreciate, Validate, and Respect Others As a leader, it's important to remember that your success is intricately tied to the success of those you lead. Therefore, you must prioritize the people on your team by being sensitive, appreciative, validating, and respectful of others. Here's an action plan to help you: Practice active listening: Listening is important for understanding your team members' perspectives and needs. When someone is speaking, make sure to give them your...

Hello Reader, Focus on Others and Their Communication Focusing on others and what they have to share is essential to building meaningful relationships. One way to do this is to practice active listening. To be an active listener, ensure you give your full attention to the person speaking. Eliminate distractions, put away your phone, or turn off the TV. Listen to what the person is saying and how they are saying it. Pay attention to their body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions....

Hi Reader, We're halfway through 2024, and I wanted to touch base. How are your leadership and management initiatives progressing? Have you been able to grow and develop as planned? Earlier this year, our extensive marketplace survey revealed that: 42% felt there was room for improvement in their leadership culture. The biggest challenges over the next 12-24 months were adapting to change and building and leading teams. The greatest need for improvement was self-care & well-being: maintaining...

Hello Reader, Avoid Prejudice and Judgment, Actively Listen Being interested in other people means genuinely engaging with them and avoiding prejudice and self-centeredness. One key aspect of this is actively listening without distraction or judgment. Active listening is giving full attention to the speaker verbally and nonverbally, putting aside distractions and judgment, and understanding the speaker's message. To actively listen, follow these steps: Give the speaker your full attention....

For many years, I have had a quirky tradition of writing a Fourth of July essay in my journal. The Boston Globe published one of them in 2007. I don’t always share them, but here’s to 248! Can America’s Greatness Overcome Its Greed? There is no denying America's remarkable historic success in innovation, cultural influence, and sheer economic power. However, it has also faced issues like excessive profit-seeking, environmental neglect, social inequality, and, of late, an increasingly shaky...

Reflections on Leadership — June 2024 Recap Hi Reader, Here’s a recap of leadership articles, tips, videos, and merch. Karl Bimshas Consulting shared in June. If you’re a frequent reader, please share your thoughts via the Content Satisfaction Survey. We’d love to know what you think so we can make the content we produce valuable to you. June Articles Practice Accountability, Not Scapegoating 12 Habits For Effective Leaders 30 Principles for Your Leadership Toolbox What Do You Think You Know?...

Hello Reader, Take an Interest in Others Being interested in other people is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. When you take the time to understand and empathize with others' needs and perspectives, you build trust, rapport, and respect. Here are some actionable tips to help you cultivate a genuine interest in other people: Ask open-ended questions: When you engage in conversations with others, ask open-ended questions that allow them to share their thoughts, feelings, and...

Hello Reader, Act with the Best Information Available and Avoid Regret Making decisions can be challenging for many leaders. Sometimes, the fear of making the wrong decision or not having all the information can lead to indecisiveness and missed opportunities. However, as a leader, it is crucial to make decisions confidently, considering all available information and resources. Here are some action steps to make and execute decisions: Gather information: Take the time to gather all relevant...

Hello Reader, Manage Wellness and Nutrition for Optimal Performance As a leader, it is important to prioritize your health and well-being. You are more productive, focused, and effective when you are healthy. Here are some action steps to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle: Make sure you are getting enough rest each night. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Whether you go for a run, practice yoga, or take a walk, regular...